When people face emergency financial situations, Catholic Charities of North Louisiana wants to offer a helping hand. We do this in two ways; first, by offering financial assistance with rent or utility bills, and second, by providing financial education and coaching to help people better prepare for life’s unexpected emergencies.
Those who seek Emergency Assistance for rent or utility payments from Catholic Charities are required to attend one session of Money School in order to become eligible for assistance. A follow-up appointment will be held to determine a client’s eligibility for funding.
In the Shreveport office, we are able to assist a household one time in a 24-month period. In Monroe and Lake Providence, assistance can be provided one time per 12 month period.
Call our office at 318-865-0200 for questions.
Click the buttons below for a list of required documents and assistance guidelines.

“Coming to Money School just puts me back on track and helps me think about what I need to do with my money. I like that CCNLA doesn’t just give me money, and they teach you so you can learn what to do better in the future. You have to be brave to ask for help, because it could be any one of us. I’m so glad that they were able to help me.”
– Shena, Money School & Emergency Assistance Participant