State Benefits Assistance – SNAP

Catholic Charities of North Louisiana offers state benefits application assistance for SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program – formerly the Food Stamp program) to help individuals complete their application and begin to receive benefits.
We offer assistance with: First Time Applications Application Renewals
For questions or to make an appointment, call Jamie Worley at 318-402-7384 or email [email protected].
Emergency Assistance
When people face emergency financial situations, Catholic Charities of North Louisiana wants to offer a helping hand. We do this in two ways; first, by offering financial assistance with rent or utility bills, and second, by providing financial education and coaching to help people better prepare for life’s unexpected emergencies.
Those who seek Emergency Assistance for rent or utility payments from Catholic Charities are required to be screened by the Monroe office for eligibility and attend one session of Money School in order to become eligible for assistance. Assistance can be provided one time per 24 month period.
Call our office at 318-361-5198 for questions.
Click the buttons below for a list of required documents and assistance guidelines.
Money School
The Money $chool ® curriculum teaches participants tips on energy conservation to cut utility costs, how to budget and prepare meals at home, as well as the importance of having savings. During a one-on-one financial coaching session, the case worker and the client explore ways to cut monthly expenses, taking a critical look at spending habits, prioritizing bills every month, how to pay off debt, and creating a plan for a stable financial future.
Our goal is to offer temporary assistance and guide our clients to a healthier and happier financial path. CCNLA also offers financial empowerment coaching to support and encourage each person who has completed a class to follow the plan just designed for them.
When: Tuesdays at 9:30am
Who: Screened applicants. Clients must contact the Monroe office to determine eligibility.
This class is for adults only; no children allowed.
Contact: 318-361-5198 for questions.
Money School is provided to individuals on an as-requested basis.
Contact: 318-559-2345 for appointment.

Gabriel’s Closet
Gabriel’s Closet in Northeast Louisiana is a resource closet located in our Monroe office. The closet is referral-based for parents or guardians of children ages 0-3. The closet is stocked with new and gently used clothing as well as diapers and wipes.
If you’d like to support our Gabriel’s Closet in Northeast Louisiana, you can visit our Get Involved page to learn more about our program volunteer opportunities and current needs.