
Shreveport: 318-865-0200 | Monroe: 318-361-5198 | Lake Providence: 318-559-2345


When you become a Matthew 25 Partner, you join others committed to the poor and vulnerable in our North Louisiana communities. The difference you help make in the lives of families and individuals who seek our help demonstrates your belief in Jesus’s words that “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Your choice to make a monthly donation of $25.00 or more assures that Catholic Charities of North Louisiana can meet the needs of the most vulnerable in our community.

But, why does it matter if you give regularly?

Sustainability & the Gap

The work of any nonprofit relies on generous community support. Each year, our organization is faced with what we call the gap: the amount of funding between what we expect to receive through grants and government funding and what it costs to operate our programs. In turn, we must fill this gap to continue to serve the 2,700+ individuals and families who come through our doors each year.

Our Matthew 25 partners sustain our work in a way that allows us to envision and plan for the future. Because Matthew 25 giving is regular and expected, it helps us to plan strategically and it gives us a guaranteed portion of our gap that will be filled. The generosity of our Matthew 25 donors means that we always have a way to support our programs. It makes a difference in each life we touch here at Catholic Charities of North Louisiana. 

"Jesus doesn't just call us to serve those in poverty, but to engage with and live in community with them. Volunteering time, money, and energy to help others not only makes our community a better place - it also sets an example for our children and generations to come. In addition to being a Matthew 25 partner, Ryan and I have both served on the Board of Directors for CCNLA. The outreach programs provided by CCNLA are vital to a sustainable and thriving community and we support the work of this organization to alleviate poverty, distress, and injustice."
Leslie Smith
Matthew 25 Partner
"Catholic Charities of North Louisiana helped restore my utilities so I could come home from the hospital after a medical procedure. I haven't received such genuine care and support in a long time. I'm so grateful for everything they did to restore my services."
Mrs. R
Emergency Assistance Recipient

Give Monthly via Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH)

Click the button below to set up your recurring payment or to have a member of the Catholic Charities development team contact you to set up your gift. 

Give Monthly via Check

Drop off or mail your donation to:
Catholic Charities of North Louisiana
Attn: Development Office
902 Olive Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

Give Monthly via Credit Card

Call our development office to set up your recurring credit card payment. Please be prepared to share the card number, expiration date and billing address.

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