Catholic Charities of North Louisiana brings Christ’s love to the poor and vulnerable by meeting them anywhere they are, providing education and connecting them to a community of resources.
Our programs focus in three critical areas:
Financial Education: Through Money School, credit counseling, and First-Time Homebuyers classes, we empower people to take control of their financial situation. We also provide emergency assistance to get families back on their feet.
Immigration Legal Services: We provide low- or no-cost legal help to immigrants who are seeking permanent resident status or citizenship in accord with U.S. immigration laws. Free ESL classes are also offered during the school year.
Family Stability: We believe in educating families in how to best care for their children and getting them access to needed resources. Those attending classes are able to shop Gabriel’s Closet, which is stocked with everything you need for children ages 0-4. We also have staff who help clients apply for state benefits including SNAP.
Our mission is to bring Christ’s message of love to the poor and vulnerable by providing quality social services to families and individuals, without discrimination, and in accordance with Catholic Social Teaching and professional standards.
Together, we invest in people to alleviate poverty, distress, and injustice.
Catholic Charities of North Louisiana (CCNLA) was established in August 2010 by Bishop Michael Duca of the Diocese of Shreveport. CCNLA is one of 160 affiliates of Catholic Charities USA, the largest private U.S. network of social service organizations that works to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities. In the past fourteen years, we have provided education, assistance, and services to individuals and families in North Louisiana, empowering them to reach their next step of independence.