Infants in North Louisiana are more likely to die in their first year of life than infants in the rest of the country.
According to the Louisiana Department of Health, infant mortality for Caddo Parish babies was 11.5 per 1000 for the years 2017-21. For Ouachita Parish the number is 11.7.
Both of those are about a third higher than the state rate of 7.7. All of these statistics have stayed steady for the past 10 years or so.
Even more heartbreaking is many of those deaths are completely preventable through education and access to care.
Catholic Charities, in cooperation with Mary’s House and other local nonprofit agencies, is doing our part to ensure every baby has a home where they can thrive.
We know parents want to do what’s best for their children. They just don’t always have the resources, education, or support to provide what is needed. Our Gabriel’s Closet program helps fill those gaps.
One of our newest moms, Whitney, found Gabriel’s Closet through a cousin who had been coming to classes for several years. She started attending classes while she was pregnant, and she knew she would need a car seat to bring her baby home from the hospital.
Through the classes she earned “merits” to get a car seat and ensure her baby was safe when she delivered.
The combination of education and resources addresses some of the most critical issues for new families.
The top two causes of infant deaths are “conditions originating in the perinatal period” and sudden infant death, according to the Louisiana Department of Health. The first is often directly related to poverty, a lack of prenatal medical care, and the mom’s existing health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Sudden Infant death is most often connected to sleeping conditions.
The largely volunteer run Gabriel’s Closet makes it a point to address these issues. Medical and education professionals to speak on a variety of topics.
We regularly cover safe sleep and first aid. A local chef comes monthly to talk about healthy eating and provides a cooking lesson. Some of our most popular classes are on infant CPR.
Classes are also translated to Spanish when necessary. A recent class on medicine dosage was particularly helpful for those moms who had trouble reading the medication labels because of the language barrier.
Then, parents shop in the closet filled with items for children ages 0-4 ranging from clothes to diapers to strollers. It is stocked almost entirely through donations. In addition to classes, merits can be earned through activities like regular doctor’s visits, attending church or attending classes at other agencies such as Mary’s House.
With continued help from our volunteers and donations from you, Catholic Charities will make a difference for children in our diocese.